JMCOCONUT Coco Peat is created from coconut husks during the extraction process of coconut coir fiber. We triple-cleanse our coco peat to lessen its sodium and Electrical Conductivity levels (EC) and adhere to the RHP Standard while aging it, ensuring it is weed and foreign-material-free. Our coco peat assures growers of stronger root growth in plants grown using it as a growth medium.
In addition, GroMax is entirely peat-free, possesses a stable pH, and is both eco-friendly and 100% biodegradable. Our compressed coco peat GroMax blocks come in various forms, including:
• coarse particle size
• blend of fine/coarse particles
• blend of coco peat/coco husk chips
• blend of coco peat/short fiber
These variants cater to the specific requirements of growers. Our coco peat blends offer different Re-Hydration Capacities (Water absorption) and media porosity, and we provide our buyers with the flexibility to select the variant that matches the precise requirements of their crop.